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Business News of Friday, 7 June 2024


Source: GNA

Asantehene urges mining companies to retain profits in Ghana to accelerate economic development

Otumfuo Osei Tutu II  was represente at the event by  Odeneho Okyere Kusi Ntrama Otumfuo Osei Tutu II was represente at the event by Odeneho Okyere Kusi Ntrama

Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II has urged mining companies to retain more profits in Ghana to accelerate economic development.

He emphasized the need for local ownership, sustainable mining practices, and adoption of technology.

The Minister of Lands and Natural Resources, Samuel A. Jinapor, highlighted the importance of exploration and announced plans to restrict raw bauxite exports.

The conference aimed to promote sustainable investment opportunities in West Africa's mining and power sectors.

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