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Business News of Saturday, 8 June 2024


Source: GNA

Ghana’s poultry industry is back – FSRP

File photo of a poultry farm File photo of a poultry farm

Ghana's poultry industry is experiencing a significant revival, according to Mr. Osei Owusu Agyeman, Project Coordinator of the Food System Resilience Programme (FSRP).

The industry is witnessing a massive revival towards building sustainable businesses in the value chain to bridge the country's food deficit gap.

As part of the Poultry Intensification Scheme, 130,000-day-old chicks have been distributed to commercial poultry farmers in the Ashanti Region, with other regions to follow.

The scheme aims to produce approximately two million broiler birds yearly and targets poultry self-sufficiency output of 400,000 metric tonnes per year by 2028.

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