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Entertainment of Monday, 10 June 2024


Source: 3news

Autopsy reveals drug reaction as possible cause of Mohbad’s death

Mohbad Mohbad

The autopsy report on Nigerian rapper and singer Mohbad, nearly a year after his death, suggests a possible cause as a drug reaction.

Though inconclusive, the report highlights Diphenhydramine presence, an antihistamine, but not in lethal levels.

The autopsy faced challenges due to the swift burial, hindering prompt blood sampling.

Mohbad, aged 27, passed away under mysterious circumstances on September 12, 2023, sparking nationwide protests for justice.

Allegations against former associates Naira Marley and Sam Larry prompted a police investigation.

Despite controversy, the exact cause of Mohbad's death remains undetermined, with speculation centered on a potential fatal drug reaction.

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