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Entertainment of Sunday, 9 June 2024


Source: Classfmonline

'Easy': Fonye, Sena Dagadu on a mission to rescue failing relationships with music video for powerful new single

Fonye and Sena Dagadu Fonye and Sena Dagadu

The music video for "Easy" depicts a poetic journey of love and communication.

Set against stunning backdrops of beaches and snowy landscapes, it follows the story of Fonye and Sena Dagadu, symbolizing distance and emotional struggles in their relationship.

Through symbolic imagery of roses, veils, and heart-shaped pendants, the video portrays their longing and eventual reconciliation.

Directed by Desmond Nsiah and co-directed by Sena Dagadu, the video highlights the importance of honesty and understanding in overcoming relationship challenges.

Shot in Budapest and Accra, the video took three months to complete and emphasizes the power of communication in nurturing love.

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