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Entertainment of Monday, 10 June 2024


Source: 3news

‘I just want to go for rehab’ – Actor Joseph Hergurson appeals for support to deal with drug addiction

Joseph Hergurson Joseph Hergurson

Actor Joseph Hergurson, known for his roles in Ghanaian productions like 'Stryke' and 'Rumour House,' has publicly admitted to struggling with drug addiction, particularly cocaine, for the past two years.

He confessed to filming some movies while under the influence and acknowledged spending all his earnings on drugs.

Hergurson attributed his drug abuse to stress relief and dissatisfaction with his career progress.

Expressing remorse and a desire for rehabilitation, he appealed for support from Ghanaians.

He plans to seek treatment at the Chosen Rehab center in Achimota.

Despite his setbacks, Hergurson remains hopeful for a comeback and seeks assistance in overcoming his addiction.

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