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Entertainment of Friday, 7 June 2024


Source: 3news

‘I’ve not smoked weed for five months’ – Shatta Wale reveals

Shatta Wale Shatta Wale

Dancehall star Shatta Wale shared in a meeting with aspiring musicians in Navrongo that he hasn't smoked marijuana for five months, urging them to prioritize music over drugs.

He admitted his claim might be doubted but emphasized his focus on cigarettes instead.

Stressing the importance of well-being, he cautioned against harmful substances like tramadol, citing examples of peers who suffered.

Shatta Wale encouraged building oneself up and avoiding distractions.

This advice comes amidst a trend of celebrities prioritizing appearance over substance, as noted by a fashion consultant at the recent TGMAs event where regular attendees outshone celebrities.

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