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Movies of Tuesday, 14 May 2024



Jackie Appiah shares heartwarming encounter with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle [Video]

Jackie Appiah with the Royal family Jackie Appiah with the Royal family

Ghanaian actress Jackie Appiah experienced a delightful moment as she met with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.

The trio shared smiles and engaged in pleasant conversation, as captured in a video posted on Miss Appiah’s Instagram page.

Jackie expressed her gratitude for the honor of meeting the royal couple, whom she encountered over the weekend.


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Their itinerary included meetings with wounded soldiers and visits to local charities, underscoring their commitment to philanthropic endeavors.

Nigeria's participation in the Invictus community, initiated by Prince Harry through the Invictus Games, holds significance in the context of the royal visit.

The Invictus Games, established in 2014, provide a platform for military personnel wounded in action to showcase their resilience through sports.

Nigeria's debut at the Invictus Games last year marked a historic milestone, with the country securing gold and bronze medals and becoming the first African nation to participate in the event.

The success of Nigeria's athletes at the games prompted interest from the country's Defence Minister, Mohammed Badaru Abubakar, in hosting future editions of the event.