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Entertainment of Sunday, 9 June 2024


Source: 3news

‘When you grow ‘spec’ don’t matter, it’s the woman’s heart and mind – Kidi

Kidi Kidi

Award-winning Ghanaian singer Kidi shared insights into his evolving dating preferences, emphasizing the importance of a woman's heart and intellect over physical attractiveness.

In a viral TikTok video, he expressed maturity in his approach, stating that looks alone no longer suffice in a partner.

Kidi stressed the significance of a woman's inner qualities, highlighting the risks of solely pursuing superficial attributes.

Known for hits like 'Say You Love Me' and 'Odo', KiDi's candid reflections add depth to his public persona, resonating with fans who appreciate his growth and sincerity in navigating relationships beyond surface-level attractions.

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