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Entertainment of Sunday, 9 June 2024


Source: Mynewsgh

Why did opposition MPs fail to attend the #dumsormuststop vigil? – Whitney Boakye questions

Whitney Boakye Whitney Boakye

Entertainment pundit Whitney Boakye expressed surprise at the absence of the Minority in Parliament during Yvonne Nelson's #dumsormuststop vigil on June 9, 2024.

The event aimed to pressure the government into addressing electricity issues in Ghana.

Unlike a similar vigil in 2015 where the NPP Minority participated, few NDC MPs attended.

Boakye criticized their failure to leverage the vigil to advocate for their cause, given the significant impact of power outages on various sectors.

She highlighted the need for action, noting how event organizers now factor generator costs into their expenses due to unreliable electricity supply.

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