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Politics of Monday, 10 June 2024



2024 Elections: Independent presidential candidate aims to break dominance of NPP and NDC

George Twum-Barima-Adu George Twum-Barima-Adu

George Twum-Barima-Adu, an independent presidential candidate, has vowed to break the dominance of NPP and NDC in the upcoming elections.

He criticized the two parties for failing to develop Ghana after 32 years of governance, accusing them of "create loot and share".

Twum-Barima-Adu promised to bring common prosperity, review public procurement, and downsize government.

He also plans to tackle galamsey by enforcing existing laws and providing alternative livelihoods.

Twum-Barima-Adu urged Ghanaians to vote for him as president, while voting for NPP and NDC parliamentary candidates.

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