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General News of Tuesday, 11 June 2024



ACBSP engages Ghanaian universities on accreditation journey

ACBSP Reps and Reps from Universities ACBSP Reps and Reps from Universities

Professor Deborah Gaspard, former ACBSP Board Chair has met with over 10 Ghanaian universities seeking accreditation status.

Attendees included Laweh University College, Accra Technical University, and University of Professional Studies, Accra (UPSA), which shared its experience as an already accredited institution.

Prof. Gaspard discussed ACBSP's mission, vision, and benefits, highlighting its quality assurance standards and global education network.

ACBSP accreditation offers exchange programs, research opportunities, and easier credit transfers.

With over 1,120 member campuses in 64 countries, ACBSP supports high-quality education worldwide.

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