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Politics of Tuesday, 11 June 2024



Anyone who follows Alan’s Movement for Change has no future – Hassan Ayariga

Hassan Ayariga Hassan Ayariga

Hassan Ayariga, leader of the All People’s Congress (APP), has criticized Alan Kyerematen’s Movement For Change, predicting it won't survive beyond the 2024 elections.

At a press conference in Accra, Ayariga dismissed the movement as insubstantial compared to his established political party.

He argued that Kyerematen, formerly of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), lacks credibility, claiming he’s no better than the NPP, with which he has long been associated.

Ayariga questioned Kyerematen's ability to distance himself from the NPP’s legacy while asserting that anyone following Kyerematen has no future in politics.

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