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General News of Friday, 7 June 2024



Ghana has lost 30% forest cover over a 20-year period, says minister

This was highlighted by Ophelia Mensah Hayford This was highlighted by Ophelia Mensah Hayford

Ghana has lost 30% of its forest cover in the past 20 years due to agricultural expansion, logging, and mining, leading to soil erosion and reduced water retention capacity.

This was highlighted by Ophelia Mensah Hayford, Minister of Environment, Science, Technology, and Innovation, at the observance of World Environment Day in Accra.

The theme for the day was "Desertification and Drought Resilience - Journey to a Greener Future."

To address these challenges, the Minister called for climate-smart agriculture practices, effective water management, and sustainable land management techniques, emphasizing the need for collaboration between government, private sector organizations, research institutions, academia, and individuals.

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