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Politics of Friday, 7 June 2024


Source: Class FM Online

NDC MP for Asuogyaman implicated in illegal voter transfer scheme

Ampem Nyarko Ampem Nyarko

The NPP has accused Asuogyaman MP, Mr Ampem Nyarko, of orchestrating an illegal voter transfer scheme, busing individuals from other constituencies to boost his re-election chances.

Evidence included a recording of Mr Nyarko allegedly offering incentives for vote transfers.

The NPP condemns these actions, labeling them illegal and desperate, citing Mr Nyarko's alleged unpopularity and lack of achievements.

They vow to challenge illegal transfers and assert their candidate, Pius Enam Hadzede, as the preferred choice. Similar allegations extend to Mr Nyarko's activities in Lower Manya Krobo and involving security personnel.

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