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Politics of Friday, 7 June 2024



NPP Upper West Regional chairman Dr S.B. Kangberee has died

Dr Saanbaye Basilide Kangbere Dr Saanbaye Basilide Kangbere

Dr. Saanbaye Basilide Kangbere, the Upper West Regional chairman of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), has passed away at his home in Accra on June 7, 2024, at the age of 76.

He had been battling a renal health issue. Despite concerns about his defeat, he was reelected as regional chairman in 2022, securing 130 votes out of 242.

His death comes as the NPP prepares for the 2024 elections, and the first vice chairman, Mr. Adul-Rahman Aziz, is expected to assume the role of regional chairman.

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