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Regional News of Tuesday, 14 May 2024



NPP's Richard Nyamah commissions nine boreholes to tackle water scarcity in Kpandai

The boreholes will help alleviate the acute water shortage faced by residents The boreholes will help alleviate the acute water shortage faced by residents

The New Patriotic Party (NPP) parliamentary aspirant for Kpandai constituency in the Oti region, Richard Nyamah, has overseen the inauguration of nine boreholes serving communities within the district.

These boreholes, located in Lonto, Loloto, Jirandogo, Jamboai, Kabeso, Kakpeni, Kachinke, Nbowure, and Nkanchina Nursing College, aim to alleviate the acute water shortage faced by residents, particularly during the dry season.

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