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General News of Sunday, 9 June 2024



Nurses brain drain: Government cannot force people to stay in Ghana – Presidential Advisor on Health

Dr. Anthony Nsiah-Asare Dr. Anthony Nsiah-Asare

Dr. Anthony Nsiah-Asare, Presidential Health Advisor, has acknowledged Ghanaian health workers, especially nurses, are leaving due to unfavorable conditions.

He explained that while shortages exist, the government cannot compel people to stay, citing the Barbados MoU as a response.

Dr. Nsiah-Asare highlights COVID-19's impact on health worker attractiveness globally. He emphasizes improving local conditions to retain health workers but notes the challenge in forcing individuals to stay.

The MoU with Barbados, signed in 2019, allowed initial recruitment of over 100 Ghanaian nurses, sparking concerns over workforce shortages in Ghana's health service.

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