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General News of Tuesday, 11 June 2024



Pass Rent Bill 2022 before dissolution - Tenants urge Parliament

The Rent Bill 2022 has been pending in Parliament for over 15 months The Rent Bill 2022 has been pending in Parliament for over 15 months

Tenants across Ghana are calling on Parliament to pass the Rent Bill 2022 before the current session ends.

The National Tenants Union of Ghana criticized landlords for flouting rent laws and charging exorbitant rents.

They highlighted challenges faced by tenants, including demands for rent advances exceeding six months, which is illegal.

The Rent Bill 2022 aims to address these issues but has been pending in Parliament for over 15 months.

The Union urged Parliament to prioritize and fast-track the bill's passage before the end of the current session, warning of the need to restart the process if not passed in time.

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