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Health News of Friday, 7 June 2024


Source: Class FM Online

Rising Non-Communicable Diseases in Accra: Cardiovascular issues leading cause of death among aged and middle-aged

The current situation at Makola in Accra The current situation at Makola in Accra

Cases of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are on the rise in Accra, with cardiovascular issues becoming a leading cause of death among the aged and middle-aged.

Dr. Abena Okoh, the Metropolitan Director of Health Services, attributes this trend to environmental pollution and unhealthy lifestyles, emphasizing the need for preventive measures.

Hypertension, asthma, and cardiac diseases are among the most common NCDs, with environmental pollution, particularly from fish smoking practices, posing a significant risk, especially for women.

Dr. Okoh calls for action to reduce pollution and promote healthier lifestyles to prevent these diseases.

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