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General News of Friday, 7 June 2024


Source: GNA

River Ayensu floods displace over 2000 people at Gomoa Adwawukwa, other communities

More than 200 houses have been submerged with three of them completely collapsed More than 200 houses have been submerged with three of them completely collapsed

More than 2,000 people in Gomoa Adawukwa, Mampong, Effutu Atekyedo, and Ekuroful in Ghana's Central Region have been displaced due to Ayensu River flooding.

The river overflowed because of a contractor's diversion for the Kasoa-Winneba Highway expansion. Over 200 houses were submerged, three collapsed, and farmlands destroyed.

Effutu NADMO officer Isaac Ephraim Okine called the situation dire, pledging assistance to those displaced. Police directed traffic to prevent mishaps.

Victims reported rising water levels on June 5, urging government and NGOs for help. Community data has been forwarded for further action.

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