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Politics of Monday, 10 June 2024



SSNIT contributors to enjoy free NHIS renewal, Bawumia will do even more to deepen coverage under the scheme – Ahiagbah

Richard Ahiagbah Richard Ahiagbah

The National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA) has eliminated registration and renewal fees for NHIS subscribers who are SSNIT contributors.

This move is expected to extend healthcare access to an additional 1.3 million Ghanaians.

The NHIA aims to achieve Universal Health Coverage (UHC) by making the scheme more attractive to taxpayers, increasing active membership, promoting a healthier lifestyle, and reducing costs.

The NPP's Director of Communication, Richard Ahiagbah, believed that Dr. Bawumia's leadership will further deepen coverage and improve health outcomes for Ghanaians.

The NHIA's CEO, Dr. Da-Costa Aboagye, has outlined a four-point vision to achieve this goal.

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