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General News of Wednesday, 15 May 2024


Source: CNR

VIDEO: GPHA security, Immigration officers clash at Tema port

The confrontation resulted in the tearing of the uniform belonging to an officer The confrontation resulted in the tearing of the uniform belonging to an officer

A serious altercation erupted between the security personnel of the Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority (GPHA) and the Ghana Immigration Service (GIS) officials, leading to a physical confrontation.

A video available to captured the tense moments between the two groups at the Ghana Port Security and immigration service.

According to Citi News a group of about 12 GPHA security members, at Meridian Port Services (MPS), allegedly barged into the GIS office at MPS to apprehend two officers after a disagreement during standard vessel checks on the MSC DYMPHNA.

The GPHA security reportedly insisted on searching the officers upon completion of their inspection duties.

However, one Inspector made it clear that they could search their bags but rejected their request to search the individual officers because he claimed under no circumstance should a male search a female officer.

This did not go down well with the GPHA Security which resulted in the trading of insults and physical harassment.

The confrontation resulted in the tearing of the uniform belonging to an officer identified as AICO II Boadu.

Watch the video below: